Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Renovation Project

Hey! You found me! Thanks, I appreciate it.

Anyway, here's the story.

Over at my former site, which shall remain nameless so as to thwart search engines, I was foolish enough to use my actual name. For the past year, it didn't present a problem. Well, in the last couple days or so, someone who has nothing to do with my place of employment and wouldn't know me from Adam stumbled across that other site by doing a Google search for cranberry juice.

One thing led to another, some of my material was taken horrifically out of context and e-mailed to my superiors. Let me be clear on this . . . I was NOT told to take the site down. I did that on my own because, frankly, it's not the hill I'm ready to die on. It's just easier to go about my business this way, and maintain a certain amount of anonymity. My new name is Chris S. Rushdie.

I realize this new blog looks like shit right now. I'll get to it over the weekend, I promise, in the meantime if you could help me spread the word (and link our mutual friends to this new land) I would be ever so grateful.

And just because I love you all so much, my first "real" post will be the next installment of the "Where Are They Now" series, featuring Davey Hansen of "Davey and Goliath" fame.

See you this weekend!

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Unknown said...

Consider yourself followed. Bummer about the drama

Unknown said...

And I'll get you in my blogroll soon enough. I tried a couple of times already, and for some reason when I follow the link it does something other than what I want it to do. I'll sort it out.

Funnyrunner said...

awww. that SUCKS. SOrry you had to go through all that. Guess you weren't in as much hot water as your relative, the other Rushdie guy, did when he wrote Satanic Verses, huh?

I'm a follower! ;)

Mike said...

Rusty Salmon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike said...

Rusty? I had no follow button to hit? I will be back later!

Expat From Hell said...

Glad you're alive and well. Thanks to Theresa for carrying the torch....


Aria said...

Oh, sweetie, what a Dookierific Blogger Nightmare! Changing my blogroll now! If there's anything I can do, let me know. With full support ~ Aria... ps. I'm gonna tweet out the new link... :-)

~j said...

oh how i HATE drama....

thanks for letting me know the new location... =D

Funny Girl said...

So sorry this happened. Love your old blog...Your post on picking floweres was gonna be my Post Of The Week on Saturday! Consider yourself followed; hint-hint...there is no button to push. I'm glad you are staying in the game, I can't imagine bloggie world without you!

nonamedufus said...

Whew, for a moment there I thought we'd lost you. That'd be a shame. Glad you're back and I'll add this place to my blog roll. Be seeing ya!

Beth said...

I couldn't find the follow button - but I'll still follow anyways!

You have had a rough day! I think I'll eat a bowl of ice cream for you.

In the end, it'll be better to be anonymous. I worry about being founded out and kicked to the curb. Sad that administrators can't voice their opinions.

Anonymous said...

I like the new place,and I think you'll like the anonymity,there a certain sense of freedom with it!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm just glad you were found! Thanks to Janna for posting the link at HBDC.

I was in the chatbox... what happened to Chr...erm I mean Rusty??


Welcome back!

Bobby Allan said...

Hi Rusty Salmon,
Love your pic. Something must be up with blogger because my followers aren't showing up and I can't click on yours to follow. I'll check back tomorrow.

Chelle Blögger said...

Ooooh I like the new name! It is the same name of a guy I once dated with elephantitis of the scrotum but erm, that will be our little secret, k?


Dalton J. Fox said...

There you are! Was just trying to figure out about an hour ago where you'd suddenly disappeared to.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I was afraid Jimmy Buffet's lawyers had sent you a nasty letter over the nameless site.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Way to go dude, anonymous is the way to go.
Best of luck!

Michelle H. said...

Who is that masked man in the paper bag? Oh well, I guess I'll follow him anyway... his writing is familiarly quaint and laughable.

But I warn you. The last guy I read set high standards. I expect the same from you!

Mike said...

There u are. Mr. Rushdie, nice to know you're still alive and not killed by the horrible fundamentalist school boardists.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Thus spake the Allatoyah: "I hereby renew the ancient fatwa on the accursed dog, Rusty Salmon, who is both a lover of Satan and a hater of Cat 'Yusuf Islam' Stevens. Join me faithful followers of Allah, the prophet Muhammad and fans of Muhammad Ali--who peaked at the Thrilla in Manilla and should have retired then--by pledging to inflict a thousand deaths on Rusty Salmon, and all who follow his blog, which is like camel piss that seeps into the sand and reeks forever!"

Not worry, though, Rusty. I'm hanging in there with you!

Amanda said...

Whew... new reader, and glad I found you again! It's always a freakout when a blog disappears. Yipes!

CSD Faux Finishing said...

I like this Mr Rushdie guy, he sounds vaguely familiar to someone I used to read a long time ago in internet time. You know, last week.

The Peach Tart said...

Chris. I heard about your situation from Mr. Condescending. I got busted by my family this week. Not sure if you've been to my blog but it's often pretty racy. They're very uptight and Christian so there was this whole drama about me being the anti-Christ and demanding that I take it down. I wrote about it on my blog a few posts down.

I'm a life coach and my clients know about my blog and love it. I can imagine it would have been very awkward being a Principal.

I know that I went through a lot of drama and an emotional roller coaster. I can imagine yours was equally as bad but probably a lot worse.

Let me know if I can do anything to help.

The Peach Tart said...

I forgot to mention that I'm following here and will put you on my blogroll.

Phillipia said...

Glad you are back...life is full of so much drama - sorry you had to deal with it like that.
I always picture Phillipia getting me in trouble...but I will wait til it happens to do anything about it.

Glad you are reposting, too. I want to read your archives at some point - when my life drama slows a bit.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Yikes! I commented on a later post before reading this one. How tacky and dangerous of me. I solved the same problem in a slightly different way... I left my job before people complained. Now I'm rethinking the whole going anonymous thing. Might help with the job search. (Duh!)

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Oh, yeah... and people who narc on you to your superiors suck! Like the neighbors who narked on me for blowing up gingerbread houses... hey, how DO you spell the past tense of narc?

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