Monday, February 11, 2013

Runner's High and The Wall: Fact or Fable?

This would be the ultimate "bonk."
Today, we're going to discuss two somewhat mythical concepts that exist in the world of distance running, phenomena known as "Runner's High" and "The Wall."  There is some debate as to whether these two things actually exist, or if it's just a load of mumbo-jumbo.  I'm certainly no expert myself, but here's what the research and my own personal experience would suggest.  You can judge for yourself.

The Runner's High is said to occur after long periods of strenuous exercise, such as long-distance running.  Once a runner gets past a certain level of exertion and glycogen depletion, endorphins are released which allow him (or her) to continue in spite of exhaustion and/or physical pain.  In some cases, it also causes a feeling of euphoria or happiness.  Interestingly, the Runner's High is believed to be evolutionary in nature.  Apparently, way back in the Flintstone Era, we humans had to rely on running as our primary means of transportation and when we were hunting for our dinner, we'd come upon the occasional, I don't know, saber-toothed tiger or fleet-footed wildebeest.  Since succumbing to shin splints or the occasional pulled hamstring would result in our becoming dinner for said predators, nature kindly provided us with a mechanism for sucking it up until we got back to the cave where we could pack our injuries in ice.  This is how that period of history became known as the Ice Age.

I myself have yet to experience Runner's High, in spite of the fact that I've run the marathon distance on two separate occasions.  On the contrary, after completing those runs, I experienced what might be better described as a Runner's Hangover.  This involves flopping down on your bed, guzzling as much Gatorade as your bladder can manage, and whimpering in pain due to your burning muscles and aching ankle and knee joints.  Once the pain subsides, there is a general sense of accomplishment and pride, but to call this a "high" would be an exaggeration.  Maybe a Runner's Buzz.

Runners also frequently discuss The Wall, a somewhat arbitrary barrier during a marathon where the body pretty much says, "Okay, I'm done.  Call a cab and let's get the hell out of here."  This pleasant experience, also known as "bonking," happens when a runner has used up all his glycogen stores, and the body begins burning fat, muscle, bone, eyeballs, anything it can get its metabolism on.  The good news is that with proper nutrition and training, it is possible to delay or completely eliminate the appearance of The Wall.

Since, according to most experts, The Wall doesn't really come into play until after mile twenty, I've only had two opportunities to experience it.  So far, I don't think I have.  Now, don't misunderstand, I'm certainly not saying that miles twenty through twenty-six point two are all fun and games.  They aren't.  But I haven't had my legs just up and quit, nor have I upchucked my gels and Gatorade all over the pavement.  All that's happened is the pain in my muscles has progressed, and my minutes-per-mile pace has slowed.

So far, so good, I guess.

But just for fun, I think I'm going to put some Pink Floyd on my running playlist.

Recent Runs:
2/5/13:  5 miles, 50:20
2/6/13:  8.16 miles, 1:21:33
2/7/13:  5 miles, 51:41
2/9/13:  3.1 miles (5K), 24:49 (PR)
2/10/13: 13.1 miles (Half Marathon), 2:11:00 (PR)
2/10/13: 2.9 miles, 31:12

Countdown to My Next Event = 24 Days
San Diego Half Marathon
San Diego, Ca.
March 10, 2013

Countdown to the Orange County Marathon = 80 Days

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Running For a Cause

I've been doing a lot of reading lately, books by marathoners and ultra-marathoners like Hal Higdon, Dean Karnazes, and Bart Yasso.  Some of what I've read deals with training advice such as how many miles to run each week, hill training, speed work, technical stuff like that.  Karnazes's books are mostly stories about his epic adventures -- running a 135-mile ultra-marathon in Death Valley, a marathon at the South Pole, and the unbelievable quest of running fifty marathons in fifty days . . . one in every state.

But the most significant idea I came across was the idea of dedicating events to worthwhile causes, including how to set up websites to designate charities and request donations.

I think you see where I'm going with this.

Matthew is a high school student with epilepsy.  I've known him since he was in kindergarten, as his father is a good friend and colleague of mine.  Matthew's a great kid, with courage and determination that help him fight through his seizures and other challenges.  I've dedicated the San Diego Half Marathon to Matthew, and designated the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles as the specific charity.  If you'd like to donate even a small amount to Miles for Matthew, please go here.

Sam and me.
I'll be dedicating the Orange County Marathon to Sam.  I've worked with kids for going on twenty years, and it's safe to say that my buddy Sammy is one of my absolute favorites.  He's funny, compassionate, and is also a pretty darn good athlete.  And we share a common interest . . . music.  From time to time we'll engage in jazz duets with me on trumpet and Sam on air-trumpet.  If you'd like to contribute to Strides for Sam and the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County, please go here.

I don't often use my blog for solicitation, and it certainly won't become a habit, but I believe these are very worthwhile charities.  If you can kick in even five bucks, it will make a difference.

Matthew, Sam, and I thank you very much!

Recent Runs:
1/29/13:  5.07 miles, 50:43
1/30/13:  8.20 miles, 1:31:21
1/31/13:  3.1 miles (5K), 25:09 (PR)
2/1/13:  3.1 miles (5K), 32:20
2/3/13:  26.2 miles (Marathon), 4:46:57 (PR)

Countdown to My Next Event = 34 Days
San Diego Half Marathon
San Diego, Ca.
March 10, 2013

Countdown to the Orange County Marathon = 90 Days

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